Before Your Operation
Before Your Operation:
Dr. Lalh, Dr. Young and Dr. McCoy will give you a pre-op history and examination form for you and your family doctor to complete.
If you are 50 years of age or older you must have an ECG completed prior to your operation and the results faxed to Renew Oral & Facial Surgical Centre.
Blood work will be performed at Dr. Lalh / Dr. Young’s or your family doctor’s discretion.
The completed form and any test results should be faxed to Dr. Lalh / Dr. Young’s office.
Bring the original pre-op history and examination form with you to Renew Oral & Facial Surgical Centre on the day of your operation.
You will be contacted 1 week prior to your surgery to confirm your surgery time and review pre-operative instructions. Please review this form prior to this phone call.
The Day Before Your Operation:
Food and Drink:
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery. This includes gum, candies or breath mints. No alcohol for 24 hours before surgery. Do not smoke.
Please leave all valuables at home, as we cannot be responsible for them.
Bathing and Cosmetics:
Have a bath or shower the night before or morning of surgery.
Do not wear make -up, fingernail or toenail polish or contact lenses on the day of surgery. Do not wear jewelry including earrings, rings, and body jewelry such as tongue rings or navel rings.
Wear loose and comfortable bottoms and a short-sleeved shirt to your operation. Please avoid tight sleeves, and tight necklines.
If you take any prescription medications, Drs. Lalh, Young and McCoy and your family doctor will review which medications you should take with small sips of water on the day of your surgery.
Because of potential interaction between anesthetic and herbal products, herbal products should be avoided at least one week prior to surgery.
After Your Operation:
Before you leave the surgical centre, you will be given information about looking after yourself at home as well as when you should see Dr. Lalh / Dr. Young or your dentist.
Arrangements should be made prior to surgery to have a responsible adult accompany you home by car or taxi. The person who accompanies you must wait at the surgical centre. A taxi driver cannot be considered the responsible adult. You may not take public transit home.
After you are discharged, you must rest quietly at home for the next 24 hours, in the company of a responsible adult.
If your home is not within 1 hour of Edmonton, you should remain in the city until the day after your operation.
Surgery may lower your energy level. Give yourself rest periods to help build up your energy.
You may experience some muscular aches in your back or neck area. As well, you may experience a sore throat or stuffy nose following general anesthesia. These symptoms will subside in a short period of time.
Dr. Lalh / Dr. Young will prescribe pain medication and any other medications you may require after surgery. Take the medication as ordered.
A clear liquid diet (7-up, Ginger ale, Kool-Aide, apple juice, clear broth, Jell-O, Popsicles etc.) for the remainder of the day should help you recover from any possible nausea. Avoid orange juice, tomato juice, fruit nectars, milk or other dairy products, or any other solid foods if you have nausea. Avoid using a straw and smoking for 5-7 days after your surgery. Introduce soft foods and return to normal eating patterns as tolerated.
The medications given to you during surgery may remain in your body for 24 hours. This could affect how you think and perform tasks. Therefore:
Do not drive a car or operate power tools or machinery for at least 24 hours or while taking pain medication.
Avoid making any important decisions or signing any important papers for at least 24 hours or while taking pain medication.
Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours or while taking pain medication.
Do not take sleeping pills or other drugs except as prescribed by your surgeon or doctor.
Please notify Renew Oral & Facial Surgical Centre of any unexpected admission to a hospital within 10 days of treatment at the facility.
IN ORDER FOR US TO PROVIDE YOU WITH SAFE, PROMPT AND QUALITY CARE, PLEASE FOLLOW ALL PRE-OPERATIVE AND POST –OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. If you have any questions regarding your surgery or anesthetic, please feel free to call Renew Oral & Facial Surgical Centre and one of our staff will be pleased to help you.